Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Prosocial Behavior

Prosocial behavior = actions by individuals that help others with no immediate benefit to the helper

Why people help?
(The motives of prosocial behavior)

1) Empathy-Altruism: It feels good to help Others

Empathy = the capacity to be able to experience others' emotional state, felling sympathetic toward them, and taking their perspectives.

Empathy-altruism hypothesis = The suggestion that some prosocial acts are motivated solely by desire to help someone in need. Such motivation can be sufficiently strong that the helper is willing to engage in unpleasant, dangerous, and even life-threatening activity.

2) Negative-State Relief: Sometimes, helping reduces unpleasant feelings

The proposal that prosocial behavior is motivated by the bystander's desire to reduce his or her own uncomfortable negative emotions of feelings. In other word, we do a good thing to stop feeling bad. The knowledge that others are suffering, witnessing those in need can be distressing. To decrease this distress in ourselves, we might help others.

3) Empathic Joy : Helping as an accomplishment

The view is that the helpers respond to the needs of a victim because they want to accomplish something, and doing so is rewarding in and of itself.

Here, we can see that why people helping each other. If we can see, people help people is because of many reasons. But, we never ever judge their intentions because it is not our job. Only Allah knows what's in their hearts.
All people whatever their religions n beliefs are, they will agree that helping people is a very good deed. Although, during Jahaliyyah's period also, Meccan very like to help Musafir by giving nice accommodation and also helping their relatives in need (they were very Assobiyyah).

In the western countries for example, although they are not Muslims, but they agree that helping people is prosocial behavior and very accepted. We can see their charities foundation help people so much and very active in it. But, why they help people and they are not Muslims (yet)? Some people might say, it will give them a positive mood and also satisfaction, and also any other positive reasons.

In Islam, helping people is very parallel with IKHLAS. Maybe we can give the meaning of ikhlas is sincerity, but I think it is more than that. Ikhlas is the secret of Allah, because only Allah can judge our heart, but we can feel it by heart or by observing the actions (i.e. whether the action is Istiqamah or not).

If someone is Ikhlas in helping people (of course, helping people in a good way only!), they will never easily to give up as well as never asking the rewards yet REDHA from Allah only. Maybe the psychologist define it as ALTRUISM (as mentioned above), but we as a Muslim will feel it in the heart or Iman, not only by 'physical' only.

The effects of Ikhlas can be seen automatically, without any force to 'create' it, just because the power of heart (Qalb) that is controlling the self (nafs).

Tuesday, 15 September 2009

Dosa Adalah Beban

Setelah kita meluahkan hati kita kepada Allah, setelah kita melepaskan segala yang terbuku di hati kita kepada Allah, kita terasa lega, kita terasa lapang, seolah-olah beban yang kita pikul selama ini terlepas.

Sahabatku sekalian, dosa adalah beban. Dan bila kita bertaubat kepada Allah, beban itu terlepas daripada kita. Itulah nikmatnya bertaubat.

Sahabatku sekalian, keampunan Allah seluas langit dan bumi, disediakan untuk orang-orang yang bertaqwa.

Siapakah orang yang bertaqwa itu?
Orang yang bertaqwa adalah orang yang membelanjakan hartanya di jalan Allah, orang yang menahan marah dan orang yang memaaf..

Dan Allah sukakan kepada orang-orang yang melakukan kebaikan.

Siapa pula orang yang melakukan kebaikan?
Orang yang melakukan kebaikan (muhsinin) adalah mereka yang yang bila melakukan kesalahan (dosa), mereka ingat kepada Allah. Bila mereka menzalimi diri mereka sendiri, mereka segera ingat kepada Allah, dan mereka memohon ampun daripada Allah.

Siapakah yang mengampunkan dosa-dosa merea selain Allah?
tidak ada siapa-siapa lagi selain Allah..

(Terjemahan surah aali imran 133-135)

Thursday, 20 August 2009

Mental Rotation

Researchers claimed that men are better compared to women in doing mental rotation..

But, I think, personally, it depends on the individual.. whether you are a man or woman, we are the same..eheh..(pls noted: i'm not feminist or sexist)


Ok, that is not the point. The point here is, we want to give 'soul' to this mental rotation.

My penny's opinion says, we should and always should looking to all perspectives about one issue in order to get a complete puzzle. Doing this mental rotation, actually looking to others' perspectives about ONE shape only.

If you look a book through a mirror for example, you will see the text or the font of the book is reflected thus it will make you difficult to read the text. But, it is the same book, and it is just a different way to look at the book (by using the mirror). Hence, it will give you a new view/perspective which it is also TRUE about the book.

There are many 'moral of the stories' that you will get from it, right?
I just rest my case~

Saturday, 1 August 2009



how to remember these numbers in a very short time?

by rehearsing the numbers over and over again?

or you chunk the numbers into some 'slots'?

yes, you can do that...

5467 3421 9073

try to remember these numbers..

is it easier compared to the first one?

if the answer is YES, so you better use this technique if you want to remember something in a very limited of time..

selamat mencuba!

Friday, 17 July 2009

Job n Satisfaction

Once upon a time, there was an old couple. They were working as vegetable seller in a market almost 30 years in order to raise their five kids. They were going to work every day every morning. All of their kids were successful in their own life and gave the pocket money to their parents every month and never fail to do so. The question is, why was the couple still working hard as vegetable seller although they had enough money? The answer is simple, by working hard every day, it made them feeling fulfil in life and they were satisfied with their job although only as vegetable seller. It was not the money reason.

This story makes us think that money is not the only matter to make people who are working satisfied with their jobs. It is more to feeling of happiness with the job and how far the hardest job is, it never make us feeling unmotivated or giving up to continue struggling with the job. In Islam, sincerity and intention are the primary factors that make people satisfied with whatever we are working for. Islam teaches the Muslims and actually to all people, to set the intention before doing something good because of Allah in order to get reward from Him. But, if we look closer, getting rewards is not the only reason in order to satisfy, getting motivated by setting the ‘good intention’ also can lead to satisfaction in working and life as well.

Wednesday, 15 July 2009

Saidina Ali dan ilmu forensik

Sebenarnya, sudah lama ilmu forensik berakar umbi dalam Islam. Ketika zaman Khalifah Umar, terjadi suatu peristiwa di mana seorang wanita Ansar telah meminati seorang lelaki yg amat tampan rupanya. Wanita tersebut telah berusaha bersungguh-sungguh untuk memenangi hati lelaki tampan itu. Namun usahanya hanya sia-sia.

Pada suatu hari, dek kerana terlalu mahukan lelaki tersebut, wanita berkenaan telah menuduh lelaki itu mahu memperkosanya dengan menunjukkan kesan air mani di pakaiannya. Beberapa wanita telah memeriksa pakaian wanita tersebut dan mereka semua mempercainya bahawa kesan kotoran itu adalah air mani yang telah kering. Khalifah Umar juga hampir-hampir mempercainya sehinggalah Saidina Ali menuangkan air panas yang mendidih ke atas pakaian wanita tersebut.

Wanita Ansar tersebut menggelabah setelah kesan kotoran tersebut telah bertukar menjadi pepejal yang berwarna putih dan akhirnya dia mengaku bahawa telah menggunakan putih telur dan mengesatnya ke atas pakaian dan pehanya.

Nah, peristiwa ini bukan sahaja menunjukkan kebijasanaan Saidina Ali tetapi Saidina Ali telah menggunakan ilmu forensik dalam mencari kebenaran.

(di abstrak daripada DETEKTIF INDIGO KEMBALI karya Faisal Tehrani)

Monday, 13 July 2009

learning psychology

Sometimes watching a video also help us in learning and remembering because we use more than one senses i.e. sight, hearing and verbal.. thus, learning become more interesting rather than only reading a very lengthy text book like reading a bed time story!

Friday, 22 May 2009